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Local energy saving and environmental protection industry Ch

发布时间:2015-12-07 16:42来源:永辉节能[ 打印 ]作者:永辉字号:
According to a study published by the China Environmental Investment Alliance Environment Research Information Center, said, "Twelve five" period, the majority of provinces and cities in the energy saving industry will achieve exponentially, which is the most conservative of the double (Zhejiang, Hubei, Shanghai and Henan), the most ambitious is Anhui, energy-saving environmental protection industry will achieve 14 times growth.
The results of this study called "the rise of princes, set off the development of energy-saving environmental protection industry (hereinafter referred to as the" championship "tournament"). Since the energy-saving environmental protection industry was established as the first of the seven strategic emerging industries, local wenfengerdong have said that wanted to build into a pillar industry of the national economy.
From the "championship" summary of information, from November 2009 to February this year, Hunan, Guangxi, Jiangsu, Shanxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Hubei, Guangdong, Shanghai, Guizhou, Henan and Chongqing has released a local version of the energy-saving environmental protection industry planning. The report is expected to be a significant place in the output value of the national planning objectives.
In this regard, Wang Yi, deputy director of the Institute of Chinese Academy of science and technology policy and management science research, said local actively develop energy-saving environmental protection industry will is good, but to reference the same as the strategic emerging industry of new energy industry in the lessons of the first few years of development, to avoid rushing headlong into mass action, repeated construction, reduce the waste of low level and vicious competition.
Local energy-saving environmental protection industry blowout?
At present, the output value of 12 provinces has reached 3.628 trillion.
At the end of 2012, the State Council issued the "Twelfth Five Year Plan for energy conservation and environmental protection industry planning", by 2015, the total output value of energy saving and environmental protection industry will reach 4.5 yuan, increasing the proportion of GDP accounted for about 2%.
But now it seems that this goal is clearly conservative. According to the championship, the current output value of 12 provinces has reached 3.628 yuan, accounting for 80.6% of the national planning objectives. Taking into account the country has 31 provincial-level administrative regions, there are 19 provinces (municipalities) has not yet released industrial planning, including Beijing, Shandong, such as energy-saving environmental protection industry zone, so the local target will be significantly more than the national target.
From the point of view of industrial target decomposition in 2015, the renewable resources industry is basically in the energy saving industry, environmental protection industry, which also conforms to the reality of the wide coverage of renewable resources, large amount of resources. Because we are facing a major bottleneck in the future, the renewable resources industry will be a big outbreak.
At the same time, places have also put forward to energy-saving environmental protection service industry development level as judged by energy-saving environmental protection industry overall development of the quality of the relationship, this also means that promising future of energy saving and environmental protection services. According to the "Twelfth Five Year Plan for energy saving and environmental protection industry" planning, by 2015, the national energy saving service industry output value exceeded 3000 yuan, environmental protection service industry output value of more than 5000 yuan.
"Championship" analysis, the goal of the local planning is not difficult to achieve. There are two reasons: first, the local area in the area to do the industrial layout, planning a number of industrial parks, and industrial park development is an effective way for the rapid development of industrial clusters; second, most provinces and cities have been planning a number of key projects to invest in promoting industrial development.
From the input and output point of view, the local key project investment is expected to return to the basic objectives of the respective planning industry.
From the future of local energy conservation and environmental protection industry's development approach, is expected to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Shandong and Beijing as the first tier pattern will not change, the second tier will remain Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan (not yet released) and the pattern of Chongqing, the rest are third tier, the industry is still need to further develop and grow.
In the first tier, Jiangsu is particularly noteworthy. As of 2008, Jiangsu energy saving and environmental protection industry's main business income of 2150 yuan, ranked first in the country, which energy-saving equipment products 550 yuan, 630 yuan of environmental protection equipment, water pollution control equipment 178 yuan, accounting for about 90 of the country's air pollution prevention and control of the country's 1/3, resource recycling use of 900 yuan, saving 70 yuan (of which environmental services 65 yuan).
According to Jiangsu's planning, 2015 energy saving and environmental protection industry has become a new pillar industry, the main business income of 7800 yuan, ranking first in twelve provinces have been released plan.
Anhui energy saving and environmental protection industry output value of 14 times
To achieve such a grand goal difficult.
Championship points out, although the majority of local planning of energy saving and environmental protection industry development goals to achieve the difficulty is not large, but Anhui can achieve the goal remains to be seen.
Public data show that in 2009 the total sales of energy saving and environmental protection industry in Anhui province 428 yuan. Among them, energy-saving equipment and industrial production of total sales revenue of 166.9 yuan, environmental protection equipment and products production total sales revenue 29.9 yuan, energy-saving environmental protection technology services revenue 12.8 yuan, total sales revenue of 218.4 yuan.
According to the Anhui Province, five energy saving and environmental protection industry development plan (2011-2015), by 2015, the annual output value of 6000 yuan, an average annual growth rate of 25% or more, accounting for about 40% of the year GDP.
Among them, energy-saving industry 4500 yuan, comprehensive utilization of resources industry 1000 yuan, 500 yuan of environmental protection industry. In the energy saving and environmental protection industry, the formation of 5~10 home sales income of more than 50 yuan, 20 years of sales revenue of 10 yuan, with a certain core competitiveness of energy saving and environmental protection industry and enterprise groups. To create 8 different characteristics of the national or provincial energy-saving environmental protection industry development base, and vigorously develop energy-saving environmental protection industry service system, so that the energy saving and environmental protection service industry accounted for a substantial increase in the proportion of the province's energy-saving environmental protection industry, an average annual growth of 50%.
By contrast is not difficult to find, Anhui has been released in the planning of the twelve provinces, the target of one of the most ambitious. Energy saving environmental protection industry output value from 2009 to 428, to 6000 in 2015, which means that the output value to achieve 14 times the average annual growth rate of over 40%.
"Championship" analysis, although in recent years, Anhui to undertake the transfer of industries, the rapid economic development, but to achieve such a grand goal is difficult. From the point of view of the layout of Anhui, the main development of the energy industry, the share of the future 75% industry share, can achieve the goal of major energy-saving industry development.
Wang Yi believes that, from the public information, it is difficult to know the reasons for the development of such a high goal in Anhui. "Government in the formulation of industrial policy should be set a scientific goals, also should be more of a focus on industry regulation, prevent and resolve trigger price war under the herd of disorderly competition."
In addition, Liu Zhiquan, deputy director of the Ministry of environmental protection division of science and technology, the analysis of this newspaper, the local environmental protection industry related planning, just a general estimate. State has launched the fourth environmental protection industry survey, the survey data from the environmental protection industry, and now has not been approved by the state, so there is no authoritative data.