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What is EPC

What is EPC

 EPC basic concepts
Contract energy management
Energy saving Service Corporation and energy saving energy saving targets of energy saving projects in the form of contract, the Service Corporation is to provide the necessary services to the energy saving targets, energy saving and energy saving service for the Service Corporation.
Contract energy management project
Energy conservation projects implemented in contract energy management mechanism.
Energy saving Service Corporation
Provide professional company with the ability to diagnose, energy saving project design, financing, transformation (construction, equipment installation, commissioning), operation management, etc.
Energy consumption benchmark
Energy consumption status of a certain period of time before a certain period of time can be used to implement the contract energy management projects in the former period of time by using energy and energy management units and energy saving Service Corporation.
Project energy
In the premise of meeting the same needs or to achieve the same goal, through the contract energy management project implementation, using energy units or with energy equipment, energy consumption relative to the reduction of energy consumption.
Contract type
Contract energy management includes energy efficiency, energy saving, energy saving, energy saving, financial leasing, mixed type and other types of contracts. Contract text is an important carrier for the implementation of contract energy management project.
EPC origin and introduction
Since the 70's of last century, a new energy saving mechanism, performance contracting energy (EPC), has been developed gradually in the market economy countries, which is based on the services company energy (ESCO).
1997, the national development and Reform Commission with the world bank, the global environment fund jointly developed and implemented the "World Bank / Global Environmental Fund China energy saving project", in Beijing, Liaoning, Shandong set up a model energy management company. Run for several years, the 3 demonstration projects of the internal rate of return of the energy management company projects are more than 30%. A demonstration project of new energy-saving mechanism to obtain good effect, demonstration ESCO using EPC mode of operation of energy-saving technological transformation project is benefit to enterprises welcome; the implementation of energy-saving technological transformation project more than 99% success, greater energy-saving effect, greenhouse gas CO2 emission reduction effect and other environmental benefits. In view of this, the State Council promulgated accelerate the implementation of the contract energy management to promote the development of energy saving service industry a number of policies. In 2010, national development and Reform Commission according to the general office of the State Council forwarded the development and Reform Commission and other departments on accelerating the implementation of contract energy management to promote energy-saving service industry development of the views of the notice "(Guo Ban Fa [2010] No. 25) and the Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission on Issuing < contract energy management financial incentives fund management Interim Measures > notice" (Cai Jian [2010] No. 249 and relevant provisions, in the country to implement energy-saving service company audit filing system, our company under the two companies "Zhuhai green Saiwei Technology Co., Ltd.", "Zhejiang extension energy science and technology limited company be subject to the examination and approval of the national development and Reform Commission by a record energy service companies.